Interpol Law Firm | Interpol Lawyers

When it comes to international law enforcement activity, Interpol is the leading organization. With 195 member countries involved, it is responsible for facilitating international police cooperation.

If you are looking for an Interpol Red Notice Law Firm to help with a legal matter in Interpol, you have come to the right place. We will provide you with an in-depth knowledge of what Interpol is and will safely guide you through the whole process up to the final solution in your case.

Interpol Law Firm | Interpol Lawyers

What are Interpol Red Notices?

Interpol Red notice is one of the most important alerts in the Organization’s database. It signals that a person is internationally wanted. As soon as your data enters the Interpol database under a red circular, law enforcement officials see your status. And you can be detained. The issuance of an Interpol red notice is initiated by a state or an international tribunal. The request to issue the card is reviewed by the Interpol General Secretariat.

This structure evaluates:

  • whether the request complies with the Constitution of the Interpol and Interpol’s Rules on the Processing of Data (RPD);
  • whether there are legal grounds for an international search;
  • whether the State has provided sufficient information about the wanted person.

Interpol is guided by the data it receives from the initiator of the search. Therefore, the Organization does not examine the situation from all sides. And often the publication of these Interpol notices violates human rights. In this case, an experienced Interpol lawyer can help you challenge the red notice and protect your rights.

Search Your Name

NOTE: The majority of Interpol Red Notices are not on the public database. Therefore, you should be careful, because the notices are circulated among 195 countries worldwide. Contact our lawyer Dmytro Konovalenko for a free consultation by sending an email to [email protected] and check how you can seek removal of the notice.

INTERPOL keeps a (1) public and (2) private (law enforcement only) list of Red Notices.
What Does

Consequences of a Red Notice

While Red notices are not an international arrest warrant, they help law enforcement worldwide fight crime. They facilitate the capture of the perpetrator for the purpose of further justice. However, a red notice Interpol is not considered an international warrant. It is up to the member countries to decide whether or not to detain a person. Nevertheless, a red card often has serious legal consequences.

Detention and arrest

You can be detained in any of Interpol’s 196 member countries.

Potential extradition

The country that initiated the search can obtain your extradition.

Court proceedings

Once issued, you could face investigation, trial, and time served.

Legal Grounds to Challenge a Red Notice

The issuance of a red circular can be challenged and your data can be removed from Interpol databases. But for this, you need to find legal grounds. 

The issuance of a red circular can be challenged and your data can be removed from Interpol databases. But for this, you need to find legal grounds. For this purpose, Interpol lawyers analyze the situation and compare it with the norms of Interpol regulations on the Processing of Data, and the national legislation of the participating countries.

It is worth challenging the notification comprehensively. This approach includes contacting the Interpol Commission for Control of Files (CCF), as well as the law enforcement authorities of the initiating country. It is also possible to seek legal redress in your country of residence.

If you need legal advice about Interpol’s red notice, leave a request on this website. International lawyers with 20+ years of experience will contact you and help you protect your rights in time.

What are the grounds for challenging the notice:

  • the issuance of this Interpol notice violates human rights and does not comply with the purposes and principles of Interpol;
  • the card is issued in connection with persecution on political, religious, racial, and military grounds;
  • the circular is issued in violation of Article 83 of the RPD. For example, the international search is related to an offense that does not meet Interpol’s criteria;
  • the crime for which you are wanted is not recognized as a criminal offense in most countries or is related to private, family, or administrative disputes;
  • the request to publish the card contains insufficient data about the person or is not supported by legal documents.
You Are Not Alone

Types of Notices

Our Interpol Lawyers are familiar with all types of Interpol notices and can help you handle each one.

Problems arising in Interpol cases:

  • Red Notice restricts freedom of movement and creates a risk of detention;
  • Green Notice can restrict entry to specific countries;
  • Blue Notice helps to trace a person’s whereabouts and movements;
  • Yeallow Notice helps for missing person tracing card may be issued in error.
red notice

Red Notice signals an international manhunt and the need for apprehension.

UN Notice

The UN Special Notice often targets individuals involved in terrorism or arms trafficking.

UN SpeciaL Notice
orange notice

Orange Notice warns of a public threat involving a person, object or event.

blue notice

Blue Notice signals the need to identify a person and establish where they are.

Green Notice

Green Notice informs countries of crimes committed and the potential danger of the person.

yellow notice

Yellow Notice indicates an abducted or missing person.

Purpol Notice

Purple Notice indicates a method, technique, or means of committing a crime.


Silver Notice is issued to locate missing persons.


How to Remove a Red Notice?

One way to remove a red card is to submit a request to the Interpol File Control Commission. This process can be roughly divided into the following steps. Preparation and submission of the request. The form for this document is published on the Organization’s website. It must be filled out in one of the working languages of Interpol. It is necessary to clearly describe the grounds and arguments for removing the card. You can refer to violation of your rights, lack of grounds for a red card, political motives or procedural errors.

It is necessary to support your demands with a reference to international norms and internal rules of Interpol. The thorough preparation of your request should be entrusted to an experienced Interpol red notice lawyers.

The Commission will take 4 months to review your request. You may be asked for additional information and documents. Therefore, it is important to keep your finger on the pulse and respond to the Commission’s requests in a timely manner.

As a result, the Commission may remove your data from the Interpol system or refuse you. In case of failure, this decision can be appealed. But to do so, you will need to find new circumstances that did not exist at the time of your initial request. You will have 6 months to appeal.

You can also combine this method with an appeal to internal law enforcement. The specific tools and strategies to protect your rights depend on the national law and jurisdiction.

For example, it is possible to seek closure of the case in the country that initiated the search. This would be grounds for the red card to be revoked.

Extradition andRed Notice

The publication of a red notice may be the first step towards extradition. Often states initiate an international search for this very purpose. How does it work?

A person is under Interpol red notice. He is detained by law enforcement authorities of one of the member countries of the Organization. The requesting country is notified about it. Then this state can send a request for extradition of the person. It is up to the country’s court where the person is detained to approve the extradition.

An extradition request can and should be appealed in court. To do this, experienced interpol lawyers analyze what extradition rules apply between specific countries. For example, most often member countries do not extradite their citizens and people who have requested asylum. Also, extradition can be avoided if you have already been held responsible for a crime.

It is possible to refuse extradition if you can prove that your rights have been violated in another country. For example, the state is persecuting you for political reasons. Then your right to a fair trial may be violated.

In addition, the risks of abuse, harm to health, inadequate conditions of confinement, and more are taken into account. All of this must be properly disclosed and proven in court. This can be done by a qualified interpol red notice lawyer.

How Can We Help You with Interpol’s Red Notice?
Greece Red Notice Lawyers
What Strategies Can We Use to Challenge Your Red Notice?

We develop a personalized appeal strategy for each case. It depends on the circumstances of the case, the jurisdictions, and the relevant legal provisions. Strategies include interaction with Interpol, national law enforcement agencies, and courts.

How Can We Assist with Red Notice Removal?

Our lawyers promptly find out who initiated the publication of the red card and why. We then prepare a request to remove the circular and support the process on a turnkey basis. We also submit preventive requests to the CCF to avoid the publication of an interpol red notice in the future.

What Steps Do We Take to Protect Your Rights?

Our Interpol red notice removal lawyers will find strong grounds for appealing the international wanted list. We will convince Interpol to remove your data from the database. We will legally achieve the termination of persecution by the initiating state.

How Can We Help You Understand Your Red Notice?

To clarify the situation, our qualified Interpol lawyers will submit a request for information to the CCF. In this way, we find out on what grounds you are wanted internationally and what crime you are charged with. You will understand all the risks, prospects, and ways out of this situation.

What Resources Do We Offer for Red Notice Cases?

We utilize 20+ years of legal experience in international law and jurisdictions of different countries. We undertake the preparation of necessary requests to Interpol and law enforcement agencies of the member countries. We represent your interests in legal proceedings.

Contact Interpol Lawyers

Legal advice about interpol red notice is the first step in defending yourself against search and extradition. Without an experienced lawyer, you are left alone with a justice system that often fails. Leave a request on this website to enlist the support of an experienced international lawyer for tailored legal strategies according to Interpol’s regulations.

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How do I remove my name from Interpol?

You need to prepare a request for deletion of data to the Interpol File Control Commission. The form of this document is published on the website of the Organization. It should be filled out in one of the 4 working languages of Interpol: English, French, Arabic, Spanish.

In addition to personal data, you must clearly and briefly describe your situation and give reasons for the removal of the red card.

How do I know if I am on Interpol?

The most reliable way is to file a request for access to information with the Interpol File Control Commission. The Commission will review your request within 4 months. In the end, you will either be granted the information or denied.

Another way is to check for red notices on the Interpol website. Some notices are published in the public domain. You can enter your data in the search on the website of the Organization and get the information. But keep in mind that most circulars only go through internal databases.

What types of requests can a person submit to the CCF?

You can submit 4 types of requests to the Interpol File Control Commission. Request for access is a request for access to information from the Organization’s databases. This is how you will know if you are internationally wanted.

Preventive request is a request to the CCF not to enter your data into the Interpol databases. This helps to avoid the publication of a red circular. You can also submit a request for deletion of your data from the Organization’s databases. In case of refusal, you can submit an application for revision of this decision.

How to check Interpol Red Notice?

You can check the Wanted List on the Organization’s website. Some of the red notices are publicly available. All you have to do is enter your details in the search bar and get a result.

If there are no results, you can make a request for information to the CCF. A qualified interpol lawyer will help you prepare a quality request and get results.

Can an Interpol lawyer help me remove a Red Notice?

Yes, one of the things international lawyers do is appeal red notices. The lawyer will prepare a request to the CCF on your behalf and follow up on it. If the Commission asks for additional information or documents, the lawyer will help you to prepare them correctly and send them to CCF.

If you have already applied for removal and were denied, the lawyer will help you find grounds for appeal. He or she will prepare a quality application for revision according to the Interpol legal framework and accompany the case to the result.

Can an Interpol lawyer represent me in multiple countries?

Yes, our Interpol red notice lawyers have successfully worked in different jurisdictions. We know and understand the nuances of the national legislation of different countries. We are also familiar with the specifics of their law enforcement and judicial systems.

If you want to avoid international search, protect yourself from extradition and criminal prosecution – contact our Interpol red notice removal lawyers. Leave a request on this website and we will contact you for a consultation.

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